"ChildNet Electronic Publishing, Ghana's first local educational software
developer and producer will be launching its first product, Squirrel's
Compututor. ChildNet Electronic Publishing was formed in 2003 by four University
and Polytechnic graduates to develop their own range of software for children."
some pretty exciting news in my opinion, i haven't actually seen the product yet, but there's something to be said for the fact that new graduates are actually going into that area, and the public interest is great as well. It gives me hope that perhaps even a few more people are seeing that there is only so far that we can go if our fortunes are permanently tied to cocoa production, and subject to the vagaries of the world market. On a personal note though, I think education is *incredibly* important, and that technology can be an incredible force in improving access and quality, so i look forward to following this project. There'll be afollow up post when I have more information, and hopefully have demo'd the software. That's one of the drawbacks...none of the stories say very much about exactly what the software does, whether it is being used anywhere, the target audience, business model etc. I guess we have to start somwehere though, no?
Tags: ghana, e-learning, ChildNet
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From: rolland (Original Message) Sent: 5/9/2008 10:27 PM
Did the Labor Government serve the majority?
I had the opportunity to serve in Camden Town hall as the one of security hired by the government to aid the government security forces ensure a peaceful and transparent election and hopefully to give the minority then, the Labor under the flag stewardship of Tony Blair to bring the so called gap between the haves and the have not’s. I stood guard the first twelve hour shift on the May 1997 election that brought Tony Blair into government. It was the hope of foreigner’s, illegal immigrates, refugee’s naturals and even tourists that the labor government would bring a wave of change. Free this, free that, spend this spend that on the electorates.
Well, I should say I should be really privileged that just after a year and half in the UK and statuses a political refugee, I could land such a historical opportunity. But I was at the same time a part-time student and my interest was in the money. Needless to say my little cadet background was maybe the reason that I was trusted by John, My South African boss.
I will never forget the shock I got when I reported thirty minuets early to make entrance at six o’clock am sharp.
When I introduced my self from panther security, this is what the electoral officer in charge of Camden town hall has to say. “We have paid a lot of money for your being here. If anything should go wrong, it could even land you in jail.” I now understand he was very serious. On that day, it would not be unfair to say only what street language call “badman” alone could run the chat. I remember Moses because we worked for the same Security Firm I think he is Moroccan or Egyptian. Friends, after the twelve hour shift on serious alert in big panther security jackets, we hand over to Sweet clean cut white bouys bad in black suits. Forgive my use of street language. But my ordeal for the day was not over yet. I was standing door at Atlantic Bar in Piccadilly Circus from eight in the evening. From Camden town I had to get to Queens Gate to change into my suit to reach the west end for eight thirty. I kept wondering why we the black bad men were only needed in the day when the voting was taking place?
I stared calling around calmly in fell good sluggish voice telling folks on phone about the yesterday action and the hope to come for all who have waited and dreamed for minority rule in UK for over twelve years of Conservative under Margaret Thatcher. Well at least when I finish school I could call on my agent to re-introduce me to some one who would definitely be in power who remembers my effort at Camden. Alongside all the other jobs that they have asked panther for help. The auctions, the live concerts, the fund risings and the fashion show…..
My first disappointment was with my paycheck that came at the end of the month. I think I had not felt that angry and not been able to do anything about it like that day. As if it was just a tip of the real intension of the newly elected government to …… or it was John with new power’s to hurt illegally employed black bouys like my-self.? In UK, there is nothing that escapes the system for long. So called legal immigrants and all still require fake national insurance to get the least paid job. Of course there is a budget for salaries. Just the rates vary, that was how I resigned from panther security and became a private bodyguard who was soon going to be confronted with an insight to London in my own estimation as never captured and alive to share.
Not before I had had a feel for the real London world that only the movie would portray. I share the sentiments of a recently interviewed immigrant on the real state of affaires. He said it in mild words “UK has got new friends, so the are raiding their old friends. I do not believe they have had friends, we have had associations. I think it goes further just fair those relations should reach a mutual consent based on mutual respect and understanding. But how do we claim for that? Who do we talk to? As I write, I am part of the class that the top men in the establishment joke the over qualified employees. That joke even though ice breaking is the one of indication of the low standard that of the academia that the country has found as reliable labors resource. The DPF aspirant if I heard write owned a CIM Ghana certificate. In 1993, the country witnessed a flock of young men into various professional institutes. Even PR’s that were fifty to refresher courses to up-grade their performance in the establishment. It is now flair to say I am in school. I have to take study leave. But at least in 2000. I know about at least five hundred graduates passed out only in CIM alone at Birmingham City hall. There were not more than fifteen Ghanaians. Prior to that, since 1996, I had seen Caucasians, Orientals graduate and further their master’s. This is only marketing. With ACCA, CIMA, ABE, IPS and I T, there is a large in -flock of Orientals.
Then to go to GIMPA today, which was what was going to be the out-sources of up-grade, refresher and a global representation of the professionals that the early 1990’s bred for the country’s use in the new century. GIMPA is breeding a short cut to qualification for professionals who would be not march of the old London I witnessed. I thought GIMPA should be one of the Global centres globally since it had a standard with global academia before the end of the last century.
.Bouncers does more dangerous jobs in their every day life. I mean refusing under age trying to impress his girl could land you a gunshot at the west end then. I do not know very much about now. You see. The real job at a Vivian Westwood fashion show in the Dorchester for instance. The trouble is not with the queue paying to come in. Back stage is about Father’s, Mother’s Jealous , Husbands , boy friends, Psycho’s and just some time’s just a wanna be. Who does the job back stage? It’s back bad bouys meen. From Leisure lounge to Adraline Village. It’s all about the bad black bouy. Then who take’s the credit for controlling desent invited guess coming though the main entrance. White bad bouys my people.
You see, then the pay check. The white bouy earns more. Even when you do the same hours. You work with a white bouy at the door for the first time; he thinks you are nice and hard working than him which happens a lot. The white for descent and Niggers for violence. When you have drink after work” It start’s like this Listen how much is John paying you for this job meen?
Six and hour mite. Noo maan llow dat mite, Ask for at least ten mite. You know how much am picking? Bro, between twelve and twenty quid an hour meen.”
But you see, the calm subjective nerves that we will go on natural therapy to alter because we think healthy and are aware of who we are only when we are medically sound. Accepting unnecessary pain in today’s terms is defined as madness and inferior.
Do you know what keep’s a bouncer moving? Only the door and people how come in. So you look at you salary then look at where you went party last night because of your badge. Then you get compensation. Especially since it is part time for some of us. Then as I told you before, You feel after school one day, you get to meet Peter Spring fellows who would give you a job and a good pay.
At the VIP lounge. That keeps Black bouys going. The feeling that they have the streets even if White bouy have all the money.
I did not see much of the conservative but at least I had some inside of UK, I saw the campaign, six months to election. I can easily much the tension, euphoria, the action equal to what I saw in 2000 In Ghana. May be that is how I talk about Nana Akkufo–Addo and Gordon Brown,
In the past I have tried not to analyze brains and be judgmental when the case of black and white supremacy arises. But this South African born British, Say slavery is what bought light to modern black man. Well David Bullard, there is a popular Akan saying, (Wo hwe kru yi na eyim ana wo ma ni mo.)(You watch the mans face before dishing out his dinner) .The recent argument that the issue of supremacy as the claim by the white man over the black man is relative; It only holds water in isolation. But are we prepared to put up the contest and find out once and for all.
I mean an inter-continental debate on how the globe should proceed. Give equal attention to reasoning not order continents choosing who to run against. When I suggested at city hall to the then deputy of Ken, that one these seminars were long overdue and Europe would not be able to solve global warning since USA a key player was not prepared to sign up. Before her answer she addressed me personally (Roland I want to assure you, we are going to get Bush. This was early 2005 at the Africa 05 resource meetings held. Cameron Duodu. I am happy to here you speak. But you see? Holding the electoral commission in Africa for starters is a subject you wish to in collocate in early child hood learning as we see today. The African must be educating to appreciate what he and she have.
What is stopping DR Congo for banning the mining of some vital minerals in the production of gadget till after all the nations of Africa have some standard of dignity. The anger is. The intelligent African should expect side- lining from all that can not comprehend his intelligence.
It is possible true that the British sponsored the opposition in Zimbabwe?
The gap between rich and poor is a thin line. Maybe that is why we miss it all the time.
That I could not get a job in the UK due to my statues which by then was almost legal anyway and the sub-conscience that one day you would go back home and make it right kept some of us moving and doing stuff for flag and country. Where was our effort going to lead any one? There was no student liaison at the embassy. Not that I knew about. And the buildings around south west that Dr Nkrumah bought around SW 6 up- wards with the exception of 13 Bregravia square had all gone into private stewardship.
These are just minor tips on the ice berg. May be if the constitution kept Blair another chance, I would not have been bothered. But you see Tony’s composure, vibes and lyrics. (Scare on our Conscience) (War of conscience on African problems all that could now be described as rhetoric’s to keep the Jones till they move out. The Jones move out only when in debt and have exceeded their promises. They claim they are moving further up-class. That means going back to the village home, Place where nothing could go lower. Your roots.
So question is did Tony Blair and the labor party come for the poor? Or your honor it is different when you are not in power. And very different when you are in power.
Well Baroness Amos, Paul Boateng, and a few others’s that the minority thought had been blessed with. You could say
That with Freddy Blay hanging tightly by the ruling government...
I have lived and work and had a better life that more than half of the English in the short time I was there. UK is very well organized and has always held it up high,
If Tony could not take two to fix the marred relation that colonization has caused just the Ghanaian in UK, then what is Gordon going to do for the black now that cheap labor flocks in from east Europe and the china man still think dying to get to live in Bays water is okay, And the Arab bouy parks his car ten months in the NCP car park. Last time I checked Up to five quid an hour.
I want to believe that we are where we are because my so-called over qualified graduate friends are my ferry tale friend’s. It is not possible people who can help the problem are round and we go through pain for Visa, admission to school and under utility of our human resource. You can only teach a listening class. But how do you teach a class of too many intelligent people.
Play radio talk shows from the beginning of the century when the so-called media freedom was hip. You could only argue football and sing praise. The media houses were not admitting anything that in their eyes would damage to the ruling government. Then when you called in, it was if you could out speak them and not the facts that were on board. For example mismanagement being sorted by reshuffle. Do you know good heart and nepotism was one of General Kutu Acheampong’s falls. They surfaced and disappeared. Probably because their interest was national and not partisan.
Your worse enemy remains your fellow black brother. When a police arrests a Ghanaian for passport deception, you get treated like dudu. I wonder who gave UK to the English which is just by the way. But hero’s like Gray Owl won their lordship because they were experts in deception. Another irony.
If you give every one the chance to be part of a talking debate in issues of such sensitivity, on the bases of fair and free speech it is indication of not comprehending the real issues. The Blackman should stop seeing the fellow black as an enemy or competitor. That is how you become venerable to traitor ship. But have the argument of we the have not’s been understood?
Well a restructure of the Social, Legal, economic, political and technological terrain. It is not noble feeding your family on the charity and crump’s of a political party. It distorts humanity reach. Your children will grow calling the master’s son’s boss, but what has the father’s indignity got to do with God’s new creation?
Still I have not seen any government policy making it mandatory and illegal not to attend nursing lesson’s before even venturing into a relationship.
We are in a bad position with regards to our future youth. Even the grammar. Never forget this girl for one of these professional schools in koforidua. She said her engrish is good until a friend want’s to take her to Legon to finish her course. She did not know what disc plain she would pursue at Legon. It was not fanny.
If I knew the agenda for last Thursday old boys meeting, I would not have attended. It was a talk on the danger on the roads today. I was shocked at how interesting it ended.
To that I say, to all drivers and vehicular drivers. The only intelligent man on the road and the car is an axillary to aid movement.
It would remain that till end of time. When you get on it, think of where the go and the return...
It still comes to the level of standard that who is responsible for people has. If your standards include future plans, the future must know.
A re-election of whether Labor or the Tory, should be based on what to do the long over due issue with Britain and Ghana. Not a dead line for blacks to leave or be aided to leave.
I will come back with more to blow your mind……….
(It was late May 1998; I had just had the sixth surgery. I was being wheeled back to the ward A2. The lady doctor I had met earlier on to assure me that I would not be killed because am black was in the lift with me. I barely see her, but we spoke. I wish to tell you even if you do not survive. (I feel the cut on your top of your penis was very experimental and in my opinion very unnecessary.)
I moved my painful body to feel my penis. I felt it. Thank you very much Doc I said, God bless you. )
I am proud to be part of the new era……My friends joke I was Y2K non-compliant.
Rolland Nii Cole, ACIM, DIPM, UK.
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